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China's revised traffic regulations have stirred up controversy since it took effect on January 1st.

They are believed to be the most stringent traffic regulations in the country.

The Ministry of Public Security says the new laws are intended to create a "civilized driving environment."

Li Dong has the details.

According to the new rules, 52 different kinds of violations can result in penalties, up from 38 under the previous regulation. And the new rule also doubled penalties drivers face. In addition, drivers counterfeiting the motor vehicle plates or not installing one properly will have 12 points deducted immediately from the previous 6 points.

A bunch of drivers have already had their 12 points deducted for these offences. Now they have to take a week-long traffic rule training and sit in for a test before they can get hit the road again.

One of the most disputed revisions is that according to the revised Regulation for Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses, drivers in China will face heavier penalties for running red or yellow lights.

Drivers who are caught running red or yellow lights will have six points deducted from the license – half of their 12-point limit. Previously, it was three points for running red and none for running yellow lights. This means that now drivers who run the lights twice will have to take the driving test again.

Many drivers say the punishment is quite heavy and they need to be more careful than before.

"If I run a red light twice, I will have to retake the traffic training course. I am very busy. I could lose my job for this. I can't afford to take the risk."

There are also drivers who said that they have always been law abiding. But some others voiced their worry about the yellow light rule.

"I don't know whether I can stop if the light suddenly turns yellow. Plus, I think it will be better that the traffic lights are installed with countdown meters. If I know how much time is left I can decide whether to stop or not."

Drivers are complaining it's hard to stop before the yellow light when the car is close to the line. And a suddenly stop also risks fender-bender accident. They are questioning if yellow traffic light is functioning as the red one, there is no need to keep both.

Actually drivers have already shared a number of fender-bender stories online as well as tips of how to avoid running yellow light.

Li Qin, director of traffic order management of the Traffic Management Bureau of The Ministry of Public Security says yellow lights serve a good purpose.

"The function of yellow light is to clear the crossing and make way for the cars, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians coming from the opposite direction. It's dangerous to rush across a yellow light. There are many cases of accidents caused by running a yellow light."

A number of cities have said they are not handing out penalty to drivers running yellow light now.

The new rule also stipulates that drivers with less than one year's driving experience cannot drive on expressways alone.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, there were 62,000 traffic fatalities in 2011.

In a poll on Sina.com, 67 percent of more than 1,000 participants supported the revised traffic rules.

Some have suggested pedestrians should conform to road rules because they often jaywalk.

For CRI, I am Li Dong.