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1. State Line Avenue runs through a common downtown and dead-ends at a historic federal building that - like the street itself - is half in Arkansas, half in Texas.

run through (使)在…流过
例句:Father told me to unblock the pipe to let the water run through.
父亲叫我把管子打通, 让水流过去。

2. Arkansas imposes an income tax on state residents, while Texas does not.

impose on征(税);加(负担等)于
例句:The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods.

3. To make sure everybody in Texarkana, Arkansas, doesn’t pack up and move across the line into Texas to avoid the tax, the Arkansas legislature in Little Rock passed an exemption.

pack up停止工作, 停止运转
例句:As business was slack she packed up early.

4. Once, in the early 20th century, for the only time in U.S. history, two sitting United States senators lived in the same small town at the same time.

at the same time同时; 一起
例句:All speak at the same time.

5. Oh, by the way, there may be two Texarkanas, but there’s only one city slogan: “Texarkana, U.S.A., where life is so large, it takes two states!”

by the way顺便地, 附带说说
例句:By the way, what time is it?
顺便问一下, 现在几点了?