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Alec Baldwin访谈节目

2011-09-09来源:Late show

Here's something else that I heard and I hope this isn't true, maybe it's true, I hope it's not, that you were gonna run for mayor, cause I think that's really, yeah, I know, but what if it didn't go well? You know?

Well, it's the old, it's the old attitude here people say who are interested in politics, I would like to be the mayor, I don't think I wanna run for mayor,

Exactly true,

I mean, running for major and being the major are  two completely different things, and my life is changing, I gotta, I'm gonna do the show for another year and beyond that, I don't know, I've got a women in my life now, my girlfriend was very important to me, I mean that we're...

How long has she been your current friend, your girlfriend?

What size of the bed you sleep on?

No, I...

I've got ideas, big ideas!

but I was trained to be delicate, how long had your, you said you had  a women in your life, and how long, you know?

on a spiritual

level I've known her forever, Dave.

Vow, that's pretty good

Now can we talk more about your girlfriend maybe?

I think my girlfriend is here, Dave, she's here with me.

You mind if we take a look?

We have, she has taken a seat, she's already in the green room, there she is,

Oh, hi, hello, what's

your name? Beutiful.

Hilary Thomas, and of course , Dave, you know, running for mayor is something that I would love to do, but I wanna you to think about this, would I  rather be handcuffed to the emergency command center in Mathbase during a hurricane, you know, holding down the fort, you're making sure all the ploughs are working, and all the sewage not backing up, would I rather spend some of that to ready ruck money travelling the world with my girlfriend, which do you think?

well, yeah, it's not even, not even close

Are you running for mayor?

I don't know, I don't know,

You're a lucky man.

Eating hotdogs in Mathbase all day, or going to Paris with my girlfriend, I don't know