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1. Eurozone finance ministers delayed Friday a decision on paying out the next batch of emergency loans to Greece, pending a review of the nation's finances.

pay out支付, 付出
例句:When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
如果按照分期付款购买东西, 得每月付款。

2. Greece had been scheduled to receive an $11-billion installment from the first bailout at the end of September.

be scheduled to 计划
例句:He is scheduled to arrived tomorrow.

3. The debt-heavy country has said it will run out of cash next month unless it receives the money.

run out用完, 耗尽
例句:The soldiers ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw.
士兵们用光了弹药, 不得不撤退。

4. With the government's debt equal to about 150 percent of its gross domestic output, Greece could have serious problems making payments on its loans next month.

equal to等于,胜任
例句:Twelve inches is equal to one foot.

5. But European Union officials at a meeting in Poland said whether Greece receives the second portion of a $152-billion bailout package depends on its commitment to keep spending in check.

depend on随…而定
例句:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.

6. Technically we have all the chances of taking a decision in the first part of October so as to disburse before mid-October for Greece, but really on the condition that Greece meets all the fiscal and other conditions.

on the condition that在…条件下
例句:They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal cost

7. Worries that Greece might default on its loan payments have driven much of the recent turbulence in financial markets.

default on拖欠…
例句:He defaulted on his payments for support of the child.

8. That, and a new commitment from Europe's largest economy to secure the future of the euro, at all costs.

at all costs不惜任何代价
例句:We must finish the work at all costs before midnight.
无论付出什么样的代价, 我们必须在午夜前完成这项工作。

9. Everything that goes against this aim must be avoided.

go against对…不利; 违背, 作对
例句:The election went against him at first, but he won at last.
选举开始时对他不利, 但最终他获胜了。

10. "So the implicit threat, I think, from the U.S. and the IMF is that 'if you guys don't sort your act out, you're taking down the whole world by not doing so' and they're basically threatening not to fund the bailout package," said Matthews

sort out分类, 整理
例句:We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.
take down拆卸; 记录, 记下
例句:The machine has been taken down.