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Windows at Tianjin TEDA Hospital, located about 2 kilometers from the blast site, were broken during the explosions, but medical staff still had to respond immediately to the needs of the many injured who arrived for emergency treatment.

Wang Xiaojie, the director of the emergency department from TEDA Hospital, says checking the severity of each patient' injuries was the first responsibility.

"Since the patients were in large numbers, we had to first check their injuries and then gave them treatment according to their condition. We saved more time for those who were in critical condition and tried to give them operations on time. We arranged several treatment centers for those who needed to clear up and stitch their wounds."

Over 500 injured people were sent to TEDA Hospital and 85 are still there.


Hospital Director Lu Yun says more than 80 survivors who are hospitalized at the facility are now in stable condition, but infection remains a serious concern.

"At this stage, our specialist panel, especially the infection control department, will check all the patients constantly. Specialists from Tianjin Health and Family Planning Commission also sent specialists to the hospital to control infections from two aspects --- from operations and from stitches. We will do our best to lower the death rate and the disability rate."

Along with the infection concerns, experts sent by the National Health and Family Planning Commission are also checking the eyes and ears of each patient for damage.

Some patients may suffer from psychological problems following a disaster such as the one in Tianjin. 60 psychologists are monitoring all the hospitalized patients, 21 of whom are under serious psychological stress.

Psychologists have been arranged from Tianjin and experts from Beijing are also available to take care of them.

Some of those receiving intensive care and treatment in the hospital have expressed worries about possible huge medical bills.

But Huang Guoxing, the Mayor and Party Secretary of Tianjin, says this should not be a concern.

"For those who enjoy social insurance, social insurance will cover the expense. The government will cover costs for those who have no social insurance."

Over 4,000 medical workers and specialists from Tianjin and other parts of China have dedicated themselves in the rescue work and after treatment.

For CRI, I'm Xyee.