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1. Eight hundred women die of cervical cancer every day, nearly 300,000 each year worldwide.

die of死于
例句:People are dying of cancer more and more often.

2. Six years ago, Taylor gave up a successful medical practice in the San Francisco Bay Area to start the non-profit organization Prevention International: No Cervical Cancer. PINCC, pronounced “pink,” operates out of Taylor’s house in Oakland, California.

give up放弃
例句:The girl gave up halfway.

3. The bedrooms have been converted to office space and her living room is overflowing with medical supplies and equipment.

overflow with充满…
例句:The stands were overflowing with farm and sideline products.

4. We go back every six months until the groups are well trained, confident and competent.

go back回去
例句:Let's go back home now.

5. Nurse practitioner Cheryl Brown is getting final instructions from PINCC staff before leaving for Uganda with Taylor.

leave for出发去(某地)
例句:She left London for New York last year.

6. Taylor and her teams have set up 30 medical sites which screen and treat thousands of women annually.

set up建立, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.

7. But every time I go, it stimulates me to want to keep going and come back and open new programs because I see these women whose lives are saved.

come back回来
例句:I'm going away and I may never come back.
我要走了, 可能永远不再回来。

8. And she has another goal where the disease is concerned; she hopes she'll be around to see cervical cancer wiped out for good.

wipe out消灭;彻底摧毁
例句:They have wiped out the enemy's major military targets.