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"Finding the Most Beautiful Chinese Doctor on Foreign Aid" Starts  

Dubbed "Finding the Most Beautiful Chinese Doctor on Foreign Aid", the program is been launched by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Doctors who have been working to help in the fight against Ebola in West Africa are being given a chance to be nominated.

A total of ten doctors and one team will be publically rewarded for their work abroad based on their working performance, ethics and skills.

Wang Liji is with the National Health and Family Planning Commission.


He says the Chinese medical personnel working in West Africa have been living and working in very difficult conditions.

"The medical teams we sent out are mostly based in rural areas. The doctors live in very poor conditions and have tough work facilities. 47% of the medical centers are located in marginal areas. The transportation and living conditions are sometimes awful. Political uncertainty and war have endangered doctors' lives. A total of 50 Chinese doctors have died on overseas mission."

One of the main focus areas over the years for the Chinese government has been to send doctors abroad to Africa to help in that continent's development.

Dr. Bernhard Schwartlander with the World Health Organization says China has done a lot to help assist people there over the years.

"I've many African friends, who tell me that it was a Chinese doctor who supported their birth. Who later took care of them growing up, and that it is in Chinese-built hospitals and clinics where their parents are now receiving help as they grow older. The Chinese government and the Chinese people have been expressing their solidary with Africa for over 50 years."

Since 1963, China has sent some 20-thousand doctors to 51 different countries and regions, including hundreds over the past year into West Africa to fight against Ebola.

The ten winners of the newly-announced prize are to be determined in mid-February and they are going to receive a cash reward of 50-thousand yuan each.

For CRI, I'm Min Rui.