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1. Once upon a time in America, people receiving gifts had no idea what was wrapped in the pretty paper.

once upon a time从前
例句:Once upon a time there was a giant with two heads.

2. But that was before something called gift registries came along and caught on among newly married couples and mothers-to-be.

come along出现, 发生
例句:These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss.
这些麻烦突然一起发生, 使我不知所措。
catch on变得流行
例句:The new song caught on really quickly.

3. If she fancied a certain spoon pattern, or a particular pillowcase - or a special crib for little “Babykins”-to-come - she’d put these items on her wish list, then tell her friends she was “registered” at that store.

put on穿上, 戴上; 把…放在…上
例句:The trees have put on their new coats of green.

4. Like a supply clerk filling an order, they picked something from the registry, and the store checked it off the list.

check off登记
例句:He checked their names off as they went aboard the plane.
在他们登上飞机时, 他登记上了他们的姓名。

5. Then came the Internet, and online registries popped up like mushrooms after a Spring rain.

pop up突然出现
例句:Your name has popped up from time to time in the papers.

6. And they leave the stubborn few who still insist on surprising someone to quiver with doubt: “Will she like this toaster? And will she still like me?

insist on坚持; 强调
例句:She insisted on her mother's living with her.