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卡扎菲死亡 结束40年的统治



1. To the end, he refused to step down, a stubbornness that reflects his 40-year dictatorship
step down辞职,下台
例句:He is not ready to step down yet.

2. He no longer wore a military uniform, played up his Arab pride and tried to unite the Arab world.

play up突出;强调;宣扬;鼓吹,夸大…的重要性
例句:Newspapers have played up the visit.

3. We tend to focus on his eccentricities, but having said that, for the most part he has been a really rather effective, especially on international platforms and can be quite charming but he certainly is rather peculiar.

tend to趋向
例句:My grandmother tends to go to bed early every day.
focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意
例句:Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.
今天, 我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。

4. He called for a country without institutions, run by the people and led by him.

call for要求
例句:The letter calls for an investigation of the facts.

5. He also became a symbol of unity of Libya, which had been kind of cobbled together from different pieces.

cobble together胡乱拼凑
例句:The government seems to have cobbled together these proposals.

6. The U.S. blamed him for a German nightclub bombing in 1986 that killed two U.S. servicemen.

blame for因…怪罪, 责怪(某人)
例句:He blamed his brother for breaking the window.

7. In 2003, Gadhafi took steps to reconcile with the West.

take steps采取措施
例句:They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.

8. In turn, the U.S. removed components of Libya's nuclear program from the country, dropped sanctions and restored diplomatic ties.

in turn 反过来
例句:All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 

9. And he finds ways of reassuring himself that the answer keeps going back, 'You are Moammar.'”

go back背叛
例句:All his friends went back on him after he lost his money.