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1. The flow of Somali refugees into Ethiopia appears to be picking up again as Kenyan troops advance into southern Somalia, raising security fears.

pick up使增加〔加快〕
例句:The car began to pick up the moment the vehicle got onto the motorway.
一开上高速公路, 车子的速度就加快了。

2. As dusk falls at the Dollo Ado transit station on the Ethiopia/Somalia border, 5,000 new refugees settle in for another night of uncertainty.

settle in安顿下来, 适应于新家
例句:You must come and see our new house when we've settled in.
等我们安顿好了, 你一定要来看看我们的新房子。

3. They are the latest wave in the mass exodus from southern Somalia, where a combination of war and drought has left them no choice but to give up everything and flee their homeland.

give up放弃
例句:She will give up this journey.

4. For now, their lives are on hold.

on hold (暂时)保留; 悬着;耽误着;拖延着
例句:We've put the project on hold for a month.

5. As darkness descends over the sprawling tent city, long lines form outside the camp kitchen; men and women in separate queues clutching pink tickets that entitle them to a bowl of warm gruel that will tide them over till morning.

entitle to赋予…做(某事); 拥有…的权利
例句:This ticket entitles you to a free seat at the concert.

6. In the open-air corrugated metal offices nearby, UN refugee agency workers prepare for the inevitable next wave of refugees that will arrive in the morning.

prepare for为...作准备,计划
例句:She has well prepared for the test.

7. Two hundred people showed up this day, and the flight from the famine zone has been picking up again since word came that Kenyan soldiers had crossed the border to drive out al-Qaeda inspired Islamist extremists known as al-Shabab, who have held them virtual captives, preventing them from getting outside help even as drought destroyed their crops and killed their livestock.

show up到场, 出席,如约赶到,出现,露面
例句:He promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up.
他答应星期二来, 可是一直未露面。
prevent from预防,防止
例句:We must prevent them from making trouble.

8. They speak of the fighters with contempt, spitting out the word al-Shabab as they tell how they used all sorts of ruses, and traveled circuitous routes along back roads under cover of darkness to avoid the gunmen.

speak of谈到,提到
例句:He didn't speak of the accident.
spit out愤怒地说
例句:He spat out angry words at his tormentors.