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1. His music - from experimental tape loops to the Pulitzer prize-winning “Double Sextet” - has, in turn, inspired other composers.

in turn反过来
例句:All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 

2. In the early 1960s, when Reich was at the beginning of his career, the contemporary classical music scene was dominated by atonal music.

at the beginning of在…之初
例句:At the beginning of the term, I found it difficult to study English.
在这学期初, 我觉得学英语很困难。

3. "It fell to my generation to basically say, 'Basta. Enough.' to music which you could not tap your foot to," Reich says, "to music to which you could not possibly walk out humming anything, and music which had no harmonic center."

walk out 走出去; 罢工; 退出(会议等)以示抗议; 谈恋爱
例句:The man who has just walked out is Tom.

4. Experimenting with lengths of audio tape, he spliced them together to form a loop and put them on a tape player so they would continuously run over and over again.

experiment with以…做试验
例句:They experimented with a new material.
put on穿上, 戴上; 把…放在…上
Put the plates gently on the table, they are very delicate.
把碟子轻轻放在桌上, 这些碟子非常易碎。

5. "As he said, 'It’s gonna rain,' a pigeon took off," Reich says.

take off起跳; 起飞
例句:Watch that bird taking off from the branch!

6. According to Tim Page, professor of journalism and music at the University of Southern California, Reich's work was the opposite of what was going on at the time.

go on发生
例句:Tell me what's going on over there!

7. Rockers like Brian Eno and David Bowie, as well as hip-hop artists, all owe something to him.

owe to应该感谢; 把…归功于; 欠…(某物)
例句:I owe it to you that I survived the catastrophe.

8. Drummer Brian Devendorf is obsessed with the composition “Clapping Music.”

be obsessed with沉迷于,沉溺
例句:David was obsessed with a girl he had just met.

9. He'll play it for an hour to warm up, and it’s kind of fun.

warm up (使)作准备活动
例句:Have you all warmed up your instruments?

10. That young musicians around the world want to and actually do play my music very well and to go around and hear that, in reality, is the best present a composer could ask for.

go around参观; 走访; 传播
例句:I went around to see him yesterday evening.