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1. The Obama administration offered financial relief last month to one million college students and recent graduates struggling to make student loan payments, as tuition costs rapidly rise. Administrators at a community college in Virginia have watched the tuition-loan crisis building and have launched their own program to help head it off.

head off防止…发生
例句:They could think of no way to head off the inflation.

2. Navy veteran Reason Chandler wanted to earn a college degree after leaving the military, but he needed the money to pay for it.

pay for为…付钱; 赔偿
例句:He paid for the damage done.

3. So, like almost half of the 46,000 students at Tidewater Community College in Virginia, he applied for financial aid, taking out loans and grants to help fund his education.

apply for申请
例句:I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship.
take out获取, 办理
例句:Mary and John took out a marriage license.

4. To get their loan checks, Tidewater students must complete a current budget of income and expenses, and a projected post-graduation budget, based on what that first job might pay.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

5. I look back at how much I borrow and how much my payments would be.

look back回顾,倒退;回顾,追忆
例句:Once you have started, you should not look back.

6. “This is one way to deal with it. And maybe that is the only way we have to deal with it right now, but for me I prefer to look at it on the front end,” said DiCroce.

deal with 应付, 处理; 对待
例句:There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business.
开展一项新业务时, 有许多困难需要解决。
prefer to较喜欢; 宁愿
例句:He preferred to die instead of stealing.