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With the theme of "The Future: Redefined," the ongoing two-day CEO summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC, focuses on advancing trade and economic policy and partnerships for the future of the APEC region.

High-profile participants, including government leaders, private sector chairmen and CEOs from the Asia-Pacific, are attending various sessions during the CEO summit. Leader of the host country Barack Obama attended a questions and answers session, where he outlined the strategy for the Asia-Pacific region.

"The United States is a Pacific power, and we're here to stay. Whether it's on security architecture, whether it's on trade, whether it's on commerce, we're going to continue to prioritize this region."

Telling a ballroom of hundreds of business leaders, Obama said the newfound engagement is a reaffirmation of how important the US considers this region.

After APEC, Obama is to travel to Australia for a state visit and Bali, Indonesia for East Asia Summit. He said the visit to Australia will focus on U.S. security alliance with Australia, which has "broader implications for the U.S. presence in the Asia Pacific."

"There's no region in the world that we consider more vital than the Asia-Pacific region, and we want on a whole range of issues to be working with our partner countries around the Pacific Rim in order to enhance job growth, economic growth, prosperity and security for all of us".

Obama said the Asia-pacific region, representing about half of world trade and economy, is an extraordinary engine for growth and is vital for U.S. recovery and job creation.

For CRI, I'm Su Yi.