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印度开放零售市场 反对党抨击



1. In India, opposition parties and political allies of the government are demanding a rollback of a recent decision to further open up the country's retail business to foreign super stores.

open up开放
例句:They opened the country up to trade.

2. The measure is seen as a mark of the government’s determination to put economic reforms back on track.

back on track重上轨道
例句:A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.

3. They worry that large foreign retailers could drive them out of business, if they open super stores in India.

drive out驱逐, 驱散
例句:They drove foreign goods out of the market.

4. Rakesh Talwar fears the super stores will sell provisions like eggs at a lower price, compared to shops like his, because they can source directly from farms instead of buying from middlemen.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.
instead of (用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.
他整个下午一直在玩, 没有继续工作。

5. Backers of the plan say the government went forward, despite the opposition, because it wanted to address concerns that the pace of economic reforms has flagged and it wanted to rejuvenate an economy which is slowing after years of high growth.

go forward前进; 进行;取得进展; 被提出
例句:Their work is going forward well.

6. The government insists that foreign stores will bring in much-needed investment to build supply chains and cold storage facilities, improve farmers’ incomes, create millions of jobs and make food cheaper.

bring in带来,引进; 赚(钱), 挣(钱)
例句:My part-time job doesn't bring in much, but I enjoy it .

7. The so-called organized retail sector is at a nascent early stage in India, with a handful of domestic companies accounting for a mere six percent of India’s $450 billion retail sector.

account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

8. The head of the Retailers Association of India, Kumar Rajagopalan, says foreign retail investors will transform India into a modern consumer society.

transform into把…转变成…
例句:They have transformed themselves into permanent city dwellers.

9. But political opposition to the measure is unlikely to die down soon.

die down变得越来越弱直到消失
例句:The excitement died down as time went by.
随着时间的推移, 激动的心情逐渐平静下来。

10. Officials say the government is braced to face the storm and has no plans to back down from the measure.

back down退让, 退回去, 撤销(要求等)
例句:After being confronted with our evidence, the other side had to back down.
面对我们的证据, 另一方不得不退让。