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1. Companies in China have long engaged in their respective Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, and according to Chi Yaoping, director of the Partner-relation Department of the China Youth Development Fund, these companies have already developed a certain pattern via which they are able to reach their targets.

engage in参加; 从事; 忙于
例句:He engaged in a serious study of the problem.

2. In order to pursue this vision, they often establish a long term cooperative relationship with charitable institutions for their professional assistance.

in order to为了
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.

3. And once the CSR projects are initiated, the companies and charitable institutions will look for ways to expand upon or deepen their cooperation based on what they've already achieved.

look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.
base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

4. The company is now trying to build upon this success by offering more to the pupils in these Hope Schools.

build upon指望,依赖,建立于
例句:We should not build too many hopes upon their assistance.

5. As long as more and more people pay attention to the program, and want to participate in it, and professional music teachers and professional music schools play a very important part in that, then our program can really be conducted in a very sustainable way.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.
participate in参加
例句:He will participate in the examination next week.
play a part in与…有关,对…有影响
例句:Women play a significant part in the modern Olympic Games.