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1. The papers also says China is seeking a sustainable development mode for its foreign trade, as emerging problems, such as rising production costs and environmental damage, lead to such a choice.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

2. Chong Quan, deputy representative for China's international trade talks, elaborates on the issue.

elaborate on详细说明
例句:Please elaborate on your proposals a little.

3. According to the paper, the total value of China's imports and exports reached almost 3 trillion U.S. dollars last year, 144 times as much as in 1978 when the country initiated its reform and opening up policy, averaging an annual growth of 16.8 percent.

open up开放
例句:They opened the country up to trade.

4. The fast growing foreign trade has not only bolstered China's economic growth, but also contributed to the world economy, as the country's imports averaged 750 billion U.S. dollars annually during the past 10 years, creating more than 14 million jobs for its trading partners.

contribute to促成
例句:Various factors contributed to his downfall.

5. It has grown into the biggest exporter and second biggest importer worldwide.

grow into成长为…
例句:The small shop grew into a large firm.

6. The ministry of commerce predicts, China's import volume will amount to 8,000 billion US dollars in the next 5 years.

amount to共计
例句:The bill amounts to $500.

7. China has become an important force contributing to the steady growth of the global economy and has made a critical contribution to the global economic recovery.

make a contribution to捐赠;作出贡献
例句:Einstein makes a great contribution to science.

8. The ministry also says China has been paying particular attention to boosting imports from the United States and Europe.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:You should pay attention to your spelling.