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节日将至 品尝不同口味的啤酒



1. Brews flavored with chocolate, pumpkin, cinnamon, clove - even oatmeal and gingerbread - are said to spice up holiday parties, so to speak.

spice up增添情趣;增添趣味
例句:What can you sue to spice up this dull meal?

2. The large Samuel Adams craft brand, for instance, ships out something called “Cranberry Lambic” beer this time of year, not to mention holiday porters, black lagers, and a brew called “Old Fezziwig Ale.”

ship out (用船)运出
例句:The oil company will ship out the heavy equipment.
not to mention更不用说
例句:Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议, 更不用说年轻人了。

3. One reviewer, sounding very much like a snooty wine critic, described Old Fezziwig as possessing “a nose full of roasted malt.

describe as描述为
例句:I should describe the attempt as a failure.

4. But they must be selling well, since at least 100 American brewers fill store shelves with these wintertime-only varieties.

fill with (使)充〔挤〕满
例句:His eyes filled with tears as he looked lovingly at her.
他深情地望着她, 眼里充满了泪水。

5. So when ordinary pale lagers aren’t catching holiday shoppers’ eyes, perhaps a “Nutcracker Ale,” a “Snowball’s Chance Winter Ale,” a “Frambozen,” brews named “Igloo” and “Jack Frost” and “Slowblind Winter Warmer,” a Texas “dunkelweizen” that one aficionado calls “a drinkable fruitcake,” or something called “Tannen Bomb” which has nothing to do with a Christmas tree, will do the trick.

have nothing to do with与…没关系
例句:This has nothing to do with you.