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亚太地区灾害不断 成本上升



1. Climate and disaster risk experts say the Asia Pacific region faces rising costs from storms and disasters often tied to climate change, creating new challenges for regions as they try to prepare and recover from such events.

recover from恢复, 痊愈
例句:That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.
战争结束以来, 那个国家尚未恢复元气。

2. Warning comes as Thailand and the Philippines attempt to bounce back from recent disasters and the region gets ready to mark the seventh anniversary of the devastating 2004 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami.

bounce back受挫折后恢复原状
例句:Although fatigue shows readily on Carter, he bounces back quickly.
卡特虽然容易显出疲劳的样子, 但他恢复得很快。

3. Furniture and wall panels lay discarded, as people go about cleaning up from the most severe floods in Thailand in over 50 years.

go about处理, 从事, 做, 忙于
例句:The way with which you'll go about the task really matters.
clean up打扫; 清理
例句:This room needs cleaning up.

4. Some [businesses] cannot open again because they have to invest again in furniture, equipment.

invest in在…上投资, 在…投入(时间、精力等)
例句:I have decided to invest in a new car.

5. The United Nations says more than 300,000 people were displaced and are now dependent on outside emergency assistance.

dependent on依靠, 依赖
例句:The country is dependent on foreign aid.

6. Bhichit Rattakul, from the Bangkok-based Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, says despite lessons from 2004, the region remains ill-prepared to cope with natural disasters.

cope with对付…
例句:I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.
既要照顾家庭又要工作, 我不知道她是怎样应下来的。

7. Even through some of the improvement has been going [on] for the last few years since the tsunami in 2004, but [there is] still a long way to go compared with the more violent situation into the future - climate change due to global warming

compare with(把…)与…相比
例句:How does your new house compare with your old one?

8. The World Bank says the Asia Pacific region bears the brunt of natural disasters, accounting for 80 percent of lives lost globally.

bear the brunt of首当其冲
例句:I had to bear the brunt of his anger.
他发脾气时, 我是首当其冲。
account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

9. The bank, in a recent report, warned the number of people likely to be exposed to natural disasters by 2050 will double to 1.5 billion people, with 200 million in India alone.

be exposed to遭受,暴露于…
例句:The machine is exposed to the wind and rain .

10. "From the Indian point of view there's no definite point at which we can say that we are fully prepared because of the ferocity of disasters and the uNPRedictability is increasing," said Jha. 

point at (把…)对准, 指向
例句:He pointed the telescope at a deer on the hillside.