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1. As the euphoria from a hard-won independence subsides, South Sudan now must turn to face enormous development challenges.

turn to (把注意力等)转向
例句:More and more people turn to computer science.

2. Meanwhile, the threat of a return to war and outstanding political and economic tensions with the north remain the darkest clouds hovering over the world's newest nation.

hover over威胁
例句:You don't hover over him.

3. When South Sudan declared its independence on July 9 of this year, it entered into sovereignty as one of the world's poorest nations lacking basic infrastructure, industry and health care.

enter into进入;参加;开始从事
例句:At that time I entered into correspondence with her.

4. To pull itself out of poverty, the country is calling for greater investment from its international partners.

pull out (使)离开
例句:We must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.
call for需要; 要求
例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.

5. Kiir recently attended a conference in Washington encouraging businesses and governments to invest in South Sudan.

invest in在…上投资, 在…投入(时间、精力等)
例句:He invested his money in shares.

6. As of now, 98 percent of South Sudan's revenues are derived from oil exports.

derive from由…起源
例句:He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.

7. We know that it will either help your country finance its own path out of poverty, or you will fall prey to the natural resource curse, which will enrich a small elite, outside interests, corporations and countries and leave your people hardly better off than when you started," said Clinton.

better off比较富裕
例句:They've got nearly all the luxuries they need; of course they're much better off than we are.
他们所需要的奢侈品几乎都有了, 当然他们比我们富裕多了。

8. "The government of Sudan very much would like to see a transit fee imposed on South Sudan and has requested some very, very high numbers, as high as $32 a barrel which is, if you look at quote on quote industry standards throughout the world, this is a very high fee," said Christian.

impose on把…加于
例句:Heavy duties are imposed on imports.

9. The north as also been accused this year of bombing refugee camps in the south.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

10. Many of the young South Sudanese who fled war and found education in other parts of the world, say they want to be involved in building their country.

be involved in参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:She was involved in working out a puzzle.

11. But now that the celebrations have started to die down, we may finally be able to see if the country can stand on its own feet.

die down变得越来越弱直到消失
例句:The laughter died down.