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打击黄牛 中国火车票实名制



1. Since the real-name system has been launched, a number of passengers have been complaining about the instability of the ministry's newly-launched online ticketing system, which has at times failed to issue tickets that were already paid for.

complain about抱怨, 投诉
例句:He never complained about working overtime.
pay for为…付钱
例句:How much did you pay for the book?

2. However, when he tried to apply for temporary ID at the train station, he was told that his information couldn't be checked with the out-of-date ID card.

apply for申请
例句:He applied for a passport.

3. People who can not get temporary ID at train stations include those who never got an ID card, whose ID cards are out-of-date, or who fail to remember their valid ID card number.

fail to未能…
例句:He failed to pass the examination through carelessness.
由于粗心, 他考试没及格。