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1. Iran’s recent threat to close the Strait of Hormuz led to a defiant U.S. response.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.

2. It’s laughable that anyone would think that the U.S. Navy is going to listen to Iran’s instructions and be shut out of an area of operation in international waters.

shut out排除; 把…关在外边
例句:She has tried to shut the memories out.

3. The U.S. and its European allies say the latest in 30 years of international sanctions are beginning to hurt Iran's economy, because they focus on oil.

focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意
例句:Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.
今天, 我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。

4. And countries under pressure react in various ways, often by lashing out

under pressure在压力下
例句:He performed well under pressure.
lash out猛打, 猛击; 大手笔地花钱, 大量给予(某物)
例句:He lashed out half his fortune on his daughter's wedding.

5. But Fitzpatrick says the Iranian rhetoric also has a practical impact pushing up oil prices and providing Iran with a small infusion of cash.

push up推上去; 增高, 提高
例句:A shortage of building land will push property values up.

6. Iran has invested heavily in its navy, and especially in unconventional tactics that could disrupt shipping through the Strait.

invest in在…上投资, 在…投入(时间、精力等)
例句:The company lacks sufficient money to invest in new products.