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1. Relief groups and lawyers know them as the Pinheiro Principles, named for Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, the author of a study that assembled the guidelines and a former UN sub-commission special rapporteur on housing and property restitution.

name for以…的名字起名
例句:The college is named for George Washington.

2. The 23 principles include the right to be protected from forced displacement, and to adequate housing and to the freedom of movement, including the right to return in freedom and dignity.

protect from保护, 保卫
例句:An umbrella will protect you from the rain.

3. Today, they’re referred to in courtrooms around the world for those pressing restitution claims by refugees and IDPs.

refer to提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到; 有关, 针对
例句:The new law does not refer to land used for farming.

4. Chris Huggins, the director of the consulting firm called Land Conflict Research in Ottawa, Canada, said the Pinheiro Principles bring with them recommendations and standards relating to the restitution of refugee lands.

relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.

5. The commission found that Khartoum had “failed to show it refrained from forced eviction or the demolition of houses and other property” from Janjaweed militia.

refrain from忍住,制止,戒除;控制,克制不要
例句:Please refrain from smoking during the performance.

6. It calls on states to prohibit forced eviction, demolition of houses and destruction of agricultural areas, and the confiscation of land as punishment or as an instrument of war.

call on要求, 请求
例句:He called on his friends to help him.

7. African signatories to it commit to protecting and helping IDPs return safely – and voluntarily – to their homes and to recognize the right of returnees to their property, or to compensation.
commit to对…作出承诺, 承担义务, 担负责任; 使(自己)致力于…
例句:He has committed himself to the cause of education.

8. [It] mandated a land commission to look into these issues, and one is looking into these issues now in the south and there are commissions in all of these transitional states looking at how to resolve these land disputes.

look into在...里查资料;深入地检查,研究;调查
例句:The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.

9. They also protect secondary occupants, who have settled on refugee property, from arbitrary eviction and encourage governments to find a remedy to their claims to property as well.

settle on授予,赠与; 决定, 选定
例句:He settled his property on his friend.

10. "Women, for example, may not have their rights respected," she said, "because of traditional practices that prevent them from inheriting land [though they may be] entitled to it because their husband was killed in the war, or maybe they themselves helped purchased the land [though by tradition they do not have a right to property].

entitle to赋予…做(某事); 拥有…的权利
例句:He entitled us to enter his office at any time.