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1. Several customers have entered the store looking to purchase shoes, clothes and equipment.

look to依靠〔指望〕(某人或某事)
例句:She has always looked to her parents for advice.

2. I don't take part in outdoor activities, but I like to wear jackets designed for the outdoors.

take part in参加…, 参与…活动
例句:John takes part in many school activities.

3. The sales of outdoor equipment have benefited from the growth of outdoor recreation activities in China.

benefit from通过…获益
例句:He thought he would benefit from going to school.

4. At first, people associated outdoor recreation with journeys through the wilderness, off the beaten path; climbing snow covered mountains; or traversing the desert.

associate with与…交往, 联系
例句:Foreigners always associate China with the Great Wall.

5. These outdoor activities are full of challenges and redefine the limits of the human body.

full of充满
例句:Mary's heart was full of distress.

6. But as time went by, the concept of outdoor activities came to encompass any leisure pursuit carried out within natural settings.

go by时光流逝
例句:Time went by slowly.
carry out执行; 贯彻
例句:He carried out the plan in very detail.

7. Partaking in outdoor activities has come to represent a new choice of life style, and has thus allowed the outdoor equipment industry to take off in China.

take off (经济状况等)开始明显好转;开始迅速发展(或增长、活动);(经济)起飞
例句:The product suddenly took off in September.

8. In 2001, China's market scale of outdoor products was 40 to 50 million yuan, but in 2006 the market grew to 2.6 billion yuan. In 2011, the retail sales of outdoor products amounted to more than 10 billion yuan.

amount to共计
例句:The bill amounts to $500.

9. China's thriving outdoors industry has led to many foreign brands entering the market hoping to gain a piece of the pie, such as The North Face from the U.S., Jack Wolfskin of Germany, and Arcteryx from Canada.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

10. Zhang Wei, director of the Brand Building Department of Toread Outdoors, looks back at the company's performance in 2011.

look back回顾,倒退;回顾,追忆
例句:He still feels quite guilty when he look back on the past.