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1. As well as fireworks and tiger-head hats and shoes, what children cherish most of the Spring Festival are probably the traditional Chinese paper lanterns to decorate their homes or stroll along the streets with.

decorate with用…装饰…
例句:We decorated our car with ribbon.

2. The history of Lantern Flower Dance and lantern making in Dongzhi County dates back 1,000 years to the late Tang Dynasty.

date back追溯
例句:The history of the town dates back to the Middle Ages.

3. The Buddhist rite later developed into a grand festival and its influence expanded from the whole country.

develop into (使)发展成, 变成…
例句:The city has developed into a center of industry.

4. Lantern fairs and performances are also held at other times throughout the year on different occasions to worship gods and ancestors, drive away evil spirits and wish for a peaceful life and a bumper harvest.

drive away把…驱开, 赶走
例句:You'd better drive away your cares.

5. After the Lantern Festival, all the lanterns in Dongzhi County are set on fire and destroyed at the village entrance, meaning to send them to heaven.

set on fire使燃烧
例句:Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire.