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"The most important bilateral relationship in the world today."

Former US Ambassador to Nepal Julia Chang Bloch describing the importance of the relationship between the US and China.

"If the two countries, the United States and China, do not get along, I don't think we can hope for peace or prosperity in our future."

But with disputes on trade, currency and foreign policy to name a few, Ambassador Chang Bloch says this relationship is going through a rough patch.

America's First Chinese American Ambassador

"Of course we can't dismiss fact that ideologically we are two very different political systems. So you add that all together it is unavoidable that we see issues from different vantage points and we often misinterpret each others actions, motivations."

Today Julia Chang Bloch works on bringing the US and China closer together through her non-profit organization focusing on student exchange.

"I founded the US-China Education Trust precisely because from my own personal experience I recognized there was a gulf in understanding between our two countries and there is a fundamental mistrust. Certainly government to government. And I felt that someone like myself as a Chinese American, perhaps I could help serve as a bridge between the two cultures."

Ambassador Chang Bloch recalls one group of US students her organization recently sent to China.

"It's life changing because this group of students had never had a chance to go abroad before. Life changing because it opens their eyes, opens their minds and allows them to see beyond what is their immediate possibilities. And I think that's one of the best things anyone can do for young people."

All very well for the future. But with the US elections round the corner, what effect will the outcome have on relations with China?

"My anticipation is, regardless of whether it's a democrat or republican who wins in next round in 2012, when you're president, you deal with reality. Can our two countries not depend on each other? I don't think so."

Long term, Ambassador Chang Bloch hopes her exchange programme can bring US and Chinese people closer together and by extension, help smooth relations between the two countries.

For CRI, I'm Dominic Swire.