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1. If the two countries, the United States and China, do not get along, I don't think we can hope for peace or prosperity in our future.

get along进展; 进行; 相处; 相处融洽
例句:Now we get along just well.
hope for希望, 希望得到
例句:We hope for an early spring.

2. But with disputes on trade, currency and foreign policy to name a few, Ambassador Chang Bloch says this relationship is going through a rough patch.

go through遭受, 经受, 经历
例句:When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.
孩提时代, 他经历了一个又一个的艰难困苦。

3. Today Julia Chang Bloch works on bringing the US and China closer together through her non-profit organization focusing on student exchange.

work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.
近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。
focus on把…作为兴趣中心
例句:The show focuses on making fun of politicians.

4. And I felt that someone like myself as a Chinese American, perhaps I could help serve as a bridge between the two cultures.

serve as充当, 担任
例句:We found that birch bark could serve as paper.

5. My anticipation is, regardless of whether it's a democrat or republican who wins in next round in 2012, when you're president, you deal with reality.

regardless of不管, 不顾
例句:I shall go regardless of the weather.
deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.

6. Can our two countries not depend on each other? I don't think so.

depend on依赖, 依靠
例句:We can depend on him for help.