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Yunnan has been affected by drought for the last three consecutive years, with levels currently at their worst. The disaster hit nine counties in Yunnan, with Dehong, Qujing and the capital Kunming being the worst-hit areas.

Over 120 rivers and 400 small-sized reservoirs in the province have dried up. Several trucks deliver water to villagers on a daily basis.

"I have no choice but to walk miles just to bring water home. Sometimes I have to fetch water seven or eight times a day."

"In the daytime, the water in our village's water cellar hits the bottom quickly as many people come to fetch water. So, we have to wait here overnight for the water to be restored."


Farmers have found no other choice but to buy water to irrigate their fields. But one truck of water costs them over 400 yuan, or some 70 US dollars, an extremely costly expenditure for them.

"Nothing can grow in the dry fields. So many paddies are left unploughed. We expect heavy rain every day. If the drought continues, we really can't afford to buy water for the purposes of irrigation."

The lingering drought means that 200 million square meters of farmland in Yunnan is unable to produce crops. Villagers in some areas have had to dig up wild weeds to use as food.

Southwest China is normally rich in water resources thanks to the abundant rainfall and a densely scattered river network. However, according to Zhang Cunjie, a senior researcher at China's National Climate Center, seasonal climate change has turned this land into thirsty soil.

"Normally speaking, low rainfall in spring will not lead to drought. But the rainfall has remained low for the last three years even during the rainy season in summer. So, there's not enough water to fill the rivers and lakes. Therefore, the drought situation continues to deteriorate."

Zhang says more rainfall is expected but the amount will not be effective enough to relieve the conditions of drought.

"As the weather is getting warmer, heavy rains will come. But they cannot thoroughly quench the continuous thirst. The forecast shows rainfall will remain quite low and the temperature will stay high throughout March and April. The drought will last for a significant period of time."

Local authorities have transported water to all households in the drought-stricken areas. In the meantime they are trying to locate new sources of water to ease the situation.

Around 200 million US dollars have been allocated for drought relief, including subsidies for farmers.

For CRI, this is Wei Tong.