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1. U.S. researchers say that deaths related to HIV/AIDS having decreasing, the number of deaths from the hepatitis C virus has been on the raise. according to U.S. researchers.

relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:The lawyer read all the papers relating to the case.

2. As a result, more Americans are now dying from hepatitis C than from HIV/AIDS.

die from死于
例句:In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food.
在寒冷的冬天, 野兽可能因为缺乏食物而饿死。

3. Over nine years, HIV deaths steadily decreased as prevention programs took effect and better treatment became available.

take effect生效, 奏效
例句:The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.

4. Hepatitis B deaths were relatively steady during the study period, and they accounted for a fraction of the deaths caused by the other two viruses.

account for说明〔解释〕…原因,证明
例句:His illness accounts for his absence.
他因为生病, 所以才缺席。

5. "The number of deaths from hepatitis C [is] increasing," he says, "because the persons infected with this virus are aging into a period of their lives when they're becoming sick with liver cirrhosis or liver cancer caused by this viral infection."

infect with把…传染给…
例句:The man has been infected with cholera.

6. Ward says the successes of the fight against HIV/AIDS could serve as a roadmap for battling hepatitis C.

serve as充当, 担任
例句:We found that birch bark could serve as paper.

7. That includes more testing of people at risk, especially those born between 1945 and 1965, and developing a robust treatment network to reach patients with the latest generation of effective medicines.

at risk有危险
例句:The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.
这疾病在蔓延, 五岁以下的小孩都有危险。

8. And when we say effective, we're really talking about eliminating the viral infection - essentially, a cure of the infection, not lifelong or ongoing chronic therapy, but a course of treatment that for 70 percent of persons can lead to elimination of the virus.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.