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1. Kenyan authorities are hunting a British woman suspected of supporting terrorists on two continents.

suspect of怀疑
例句:The police suspect him of having taken the money.

2. The search is getting new attention after British media linked her to the 2005 London subway bombings.

link to与…连接; 联系
例句:Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.

3. British newspapers are reporting that Samantha Lewthwaite, 28, may be on the run in Kenya, under an assumed name.

on the run在逃
例句:The robbers have been on the run for a month.

4. Lewthwaite is the widow of London bomber Jermaine Lindsay, who killed 26 people on July 7, 2005 when he blew himself up on a subway train in a coordinated attack.

blow up (使)爆炸, 将…炸毁, 毁掉
例句:A chemical factory blew up in the North of England.

5. The black and white photo shows a young, white woman with a broad face, her dark hair pulled tightly back, and a slight smile across her lips.

pull back使回到以前状态;使恢复
例句:The doctors are doing all that they can to pull mother back to health.

6. That's as far as we know. Her other linkages to other people, or histories, we are not aware of.

be aware of意识到
例句:Are you aware of the danger?

7. In January, a court in the Kenyan coastal city of Mombasa issued a warrant for Natalie Faye Webb, accusing her of having links with the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

8. Aside from not knowing for certain her real name, Mutua says there is also a chance that the suspect may have slipped out of the country into Somalia, back to Tanzania or somewhere else altogether.

aside from除…之外
例句:Everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance.
除了远处偶尔有汽车的声响外, 四周一片寂静。
slip out悄悄溜走
例句:I don't know when he slipped out.

9. "Well we're still looking for her. We hope that the increased publicity will actually smoke her out from where she's hiding," added Mutua.

look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.

10. Jermaine Grant was charged with possession of bomb-making materials, and planning to launch an attack in Kenya.

charge with指控…犯有罪
例句:He was falsely charged with robbery.