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1. It’s calling for a new approach to relief efforts as the world’s urban centers continue to grow.

call for需要
例句:More work doesn't necessarily call for more men.

2. Now granted some of that is due to improved surveillance and improved reporting.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

3. So while Africa hasn’t had a big, big urban disaster in very recent memory, the writing is on the wall that even for Africa what we’re seeing taking place in other parts of the world is on the horizon for the African continent.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The evening party will take place on New Year's Eve.

4. He added many disaster relief plans and operations are based on assumptions related to rural areas.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:We must base ourselves on the interests of the people.
relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.

5. Building up instead of out made the neighborhood less congested.

build up (在某个地方)盖满了建筑物
例句:The area has been built up since I lived here.
自从我住到这里以来, 这个地区已盖满了房子。
instead of (用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.
他整个下午一直在玩, 没有继续工作。

6. We’re coming up on the one year anniversary (3/11) of the Japan Sendai earthquake/ tsunami / nuclear event.

come up走近;走过来;到来
例句:Christmas is coming up soon.

7. And so we wanted the release of this paper to sort of coincide with the remembrance of the events that happened a year ago

coincide with与…一致
例句:His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.

8. But says investing in disaster risk reduction can mitigate the impact when they do occur.

invest in在…上投资, 在…投入(时间、精力等)
例句:He invested his money in shares.