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1. These workers come from impoverished regions to more urban and prosperous environments in search of work and a better wellbeing.

come from来自某处
例句:They came from all parts of the country.
in search of寻找
例句:The scientists are in search of a new element

2. Cities should increase the chances for migrant workers to be absorbed by the urban labor markets and society in general, especially the urban social security network, so that they can benefit from sustainable development.

benefit from通过…获益
例句:He thought he would benefit from going to school.

3. Deputies at the ongoing 5th session of the National People's Congress, or NPC, have intimated that this has something to do with China's Hukou system, or the household registration system, which divides people into urban and rural citizens.

do with与…有关
例句:I am not involved in it; it has nothing to do with me.
我与这事没有牵连; 它与我无关。
divide into分成; 分为
例句:Divide the cake into quarters and share it equally.
把蛋糕分成四份, 大家平均享用。

4. The system implies different levels of eligibility and benefits related to employment, education, and social security.

relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion.

5. Zhang Zhao'an, an NPC deputy from Shanghai points out that reforming the Hukou system would help equalize rights and benefits between rural migrants and urban residents.

point out指出; 把注意力引向…
例句:He pointed out that there was little chance of success.

6. Zhang Qiong, deputy Head of Wufeng County in central China's Hubei province, says their local government has devised a new way for taking care of these children.

take care of照顾
例句:They appointed her to take care of that old man.

7. Efforts from both the urban and rural sectors are called for in order to better integrate domestic migrants, rather than marginalize them.

call for需要
例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.
in order to为了…
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.