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1. In an unlikely alliance, egg producers are teaming up with animal rights activists to back a plan requiring larger cages on chicken farms.

team up with与…合作[配合,协力从事]
例句:He preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with anyone else.

2. Nearly all eggs in the United States come from large facilities where hens are kept in small pens called battery cages.

come from由…造成, 源自
例句:Knowledge comes from practice.

3. Jill Benson, senior vice president at JS West and Companies, a major California egg producer, campaigned against the proposal.

campaign against开展反…的运动
例句:Bob's family and friends are campaigning against his imprisonment as they believe him to be not guilty.
鲍勃的一家和朋友们相信他无罪, 所以开展活动反对把他关进监狱。

4. Now the humane society is pushing for a federal law that would require these cages nationwide.

push for急切、强烈地要求, 为…奋力争取
例句:People living near the airport are pushing for new rules about night flight.

5. “The laws and the policies that we are seeking to implement, while not necessarily creating idyllic living conditions for these animals by any means, would be significant advancements,” says Paul Shapiro, head of the society’s farm-animal program.

seek to企图,试图
例句:I sought to change her mind.

6. “So what we did, we reached out to the Humane Society of the United States and said, ‘Let’s have a discussion about this and see if we can’t resolve this conflict,’" Gregory says.

reach out(使)伸出
例句:A tree reaches out its branches towards the light.

7. UEP and the Humane Society are now working together to lobby for national legislation.

lobby for疏通, 游说当权者批准〔采取〕…; 试图通过游说〔疏通活动〕获得…
例句:They are lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.

8. And since enriched cages cost more, they push up the cost of eggs.

push up推上去; 增高, 提高
例句:A shortage of building land will push property values up.

9. Ludlum is also concerned about the legal precedent that a new federal rule on animal welfare would set for other livestock producers.

be concerned about关心,挂念
例句:She is concerned about your safety.

10. The National Pork Producers Council also opposes the bill. It says the industry is responding to its customers, including McDonald’s and Hormel, who are phasing out confining crates for pigs, which animal welfare groups oppose.

respond to对…作出反应〔回答〕
例句:The woman conductor kindly responded to my question.
phase out逐步淘汰, 逐步结束
例句:The factory has already phased out a batch of production equipment.