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1. To reach these goals, the action plan calls for condoms to be made more widely available, in 95% of hotels and other unspecified public places, and for the rate of condom usage to reach 90%

call for要求
例句:The letter calls for an investigation of the facts.

2. In order to control the disease, organizations need to be able to work freely with those in the most danger, like sex workers.

in order to为了
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.

3. The plan calls for a continuation of the country's "strike-hard" campaign, which aims to clamp down on sex work, which may be counter-productive to the aim of controlling the disease.

clamp down强行限制;进行取缔
例句:They clamped down on drug pushers.

4. But it is a long process of promoting the condoms. At first , the police didn't agree with this - why do you  place condoms in the hotels?

agree with与某人〔观点〕一致, 同意〔赞同〕某人的意见
例句:She agrees with him about this matter.

5. If there's one message to be taken away from these professionals in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention, it seems to be to take note of the importance of education and knowledge.

take away把…带走; 使离开
例句:The children were taken away from that school.
take note of注意, 留意
例句:The committee has taken note of objections.