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1. A recent meeting in Washington brought together U.S. and fund officials, NGOs and big business to discuss the fund’s future.

bring together使相识; 使坐在一起; 使会面
例句:The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks.

2. It has provided nearly $23 billion in grants for more than 1,000 programs in 150 countries.

provide for为…提供; 为...作准备
例句:We have to provide for possible accidents.

3. Coca-Cola and energy producer Chevron were among the major corporations taking part in the March 20th panel meeting in Washington, D.C.

take part in参加…, 参与…活动
例句:John takes part in many school activities.

4. Our involvement in AIDS, in particular, goes back 25 years.

go back回转, 回顾, 追溯
例句:The friendly contacts between our two peoples can go back to the Tang Dynasty.

5. The cancellation of the funding cycle known as Round 11 has raised concerns among healthcare and treatment providers and patients.

known as被认为是,被称为
例句:Radio, television, newspapers and magazines are known as the mass media.

6. That’s why we tend to focus our social investments in communities where we have a presence.

tend to易于; 倾向
例句:My grandmother tends to go to bed early every day.

7. We have very talented medical professionals that run our own health clinics for our employees that are actively involved in helping to partner with local organizations to build capacity

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation.