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In the exhibition area of the Haidian Science and Technology Museum, Vice Curator Li Ping is explaining a machine showing 3D images of the solar system to a group of children visitors.

"What does the solar system look like? Let's enter it to have a look. There are eight planets. Now we can see the orbits, and by turning the machine handle we can see what's above the orbits and what's beneath them. Now, shall we go and have a look at the earth? ..."

The three-dimensional demonstration has attracted many of this year's younger visitors. Zhuli Dizi, a 17 year-old student from Xinjiang who is currently studying in Beijing, says this year's exhibitions are very interesting.

Science and Technology Inspire Children

"I knew a little about the solar system before, but I've never experienced it like this. It was as if I was traveling in a spaceship."

Zhuli Dizi says she has learnt a lot from the various exhibitions, but she still wants to learn more.

Liu Hu, father of a 9-year-old boy, says he hopes his son can take an interest in scientific and technological knowledge from the exhibitions.

"Of course he can learn about science and technology from books at home, but here he can attend interactive activities and experience things in a more direct approach; which will have a lasting impression and give him a deeper understanding."

The scientific and technological creations of children have also proved to be a highlight at this year's event. Shi Xinmu, a 10-year-old student who demonstrated the robots he and his fellow classmates made, says he thoroughly enjoys the process of making their robotic creations.

"I found it really interesting because I can create things according to my own ideas. I've learned a lot about physics through robot design, which is really beneficial for me."

Elsewhere, the flight simulator and the model vehicle competition, which help children to develop their operating and cognitive abilities, have also proved extremely popular.

And while this may seem like a high-tech playground for children, adults are sure to enjoy themselves too. The Beijing Science and Technology Week, which lasts from May 19 to May 25, includes an exhibition area of 10,000 square meters at its main venue, the National Agriculture Exhibition Center, and showcases more than 120 scientific and technological displays relating to people's daily life; covering topics such as low carbon lifestyles and food safety related inventions. A total of over 600 scientific and technology related activities will be launched across the capital city during the week.

The Beijing Science and Technology Week is part of China's annual "Science and Technology Week" which has been held since 2001. More than 600 million people across the country have participated in the event's activities.

For CRI, I'm Zhao Jianfu.