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On the one hand, I think, this is obviously a private holiday. The prince is always high-spirited. I think we know that. But the question comes into the play is to whether he should have if we’re led to believe he did invite young ladies from the hotel bar up to his room. And that in a sense is not a problem, the problem becomes when photographs are taken and then are made available on the internet now. He is 27 years old and he is about to go to we’re led to believe in due course potentially to Afghanistan to serve there. He’s made no secret the fact he wants to go to Afghanistan in due course. This is probably a last hurrah before he then commits to the military over a period of the time, potentially by the end of the year. And, but should he really be placing himself in this position where photographs can be taken. He is 27. He knows social network sites. He knows every camera or every phone has a camera on it. He knows that photos and also moving footage can get posted whether you like it or not. It may not have happened at the scene. In fact, it clearly didn't. It happened afterwards. And that I think, when you see a young prince who is being brought to the fore more and more now; when you have the older bans of the royal family just stopping a number of engagements and stepping back a little bit, you have to ask whether this is conduct that really he should be more and more conscious of.