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Last weekend I saw a baseball game at Cleveland’s Progressive Field. One concession stand specialized in over-the-top fun food—it offered the infamous fried Twinkie, fried cookie dough, even a deep-fried Snickers bar. I decided to eat more healthfully, and went with a beer and bratwurst.

It being state fair season, thousands of visitors will likely be tempted by food booths offering up items similar to the ones I saw in Cleveland. So the Mayo Clinic’s Donald Hensrud, who specializes in nutrition and preventive medicine, issued some tips to help people weather the potential fried food overload.

First, eat something healthful, like some fruit, before you go.

Get in some exercise at the fair—chances are you’ll walk a fair amount.

Split your portions with family and friends. You’ll get to taste more items and may find that just a bite or two of fried dough is enough.

Drink water. It’s filling and has no calories.

And perhaps most important: if you overdo it, don’t freak out. Go back to eating normally the next day. Unless you’re going to a ballgame.

—Steve Mirsky