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Radioactive water leaking from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has raised concerns about food safety in Japan.

Tokyo Electric Power Company admitted last week that over 300 tons of radioactive water has flown into the sea every day since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11th, 2011.

Worries about food safety have been mounting in Japan.

Many Japanese people are hesitant to buy products from Fukushima for fear of possible radiation.

Experts say the government needs to release more detailed information, to stop rumors which have been hurting Fukushima's agricultural industry.

The fish market has already suffered a slump over the rumors.

"I am a wholesaler at Tsukiji fish market. I am angry at the carelessness of the Tokyo Electric Power Company and lack of action by the government. Radiation or not, fear itself has caused severe damages."

Now the company is working hard to identify the location of the leaks and get them under control.