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雅虎启用新Logo 传递改革决心


ErinBurnett, Out Front. Weeknights 7, only at cnn.

Apparently, this logo, which was launched in 2009, is a little stale. So they have launched this logo to replace it. It doesn't seem all that different, still. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer swears that lots of thought went into it. She even released this math—heavy blue print—explaining exactly what they changed and why, including the company's very last move which was tilting the exclamation point by nine degrees, just to add a little bit of whimsy. You saw that they are all that writing on the thing. I mean it was apparently a whole weekend to get a nine-degree-shift in an exclamation point.

You have to wonder how many software engineers here would take to change a light bulb by Yahoo. All right, all joking aside. Yahoo may have the right idea with the new design, because often we the customers do not like change.

Not counting a brief makeover during the 1980s, the Coca-Colalogo has basically not changed over 100 years. And while a rival Pepsi has totally changed its look, Coca is still No.1 by far.

But there is one example of a major logo overhaul that worked.The current FedEx logo you see on the right is drastically different than the original, and it is considered one of the most successful makeovers ever.

The most fail—Tropicana orange juice faced a major crisis  when it swapped out the very popular orange for a glass of juice. I mean,who would think this would cause a problem? It did so. It actually plummeted,no joke. This is why Tropicana’s website now features bottles of orange juice living inside a giant orange. They are so scared to get rid of the orange. Logos matter.

So what do you think of the new Yahoo logo? Let us know. OnTwitter, at Erin Burnett or at Out Front.