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Someone revealing an interview with Hilary Clinton this week and Mrs. Clinton acknowledging she is wrestling with whether to run for president, and her chances tonight if she runs, ABC Senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny with more.

Yes, she is thinking about running for president. A surprise? No.But tonight Hilary Clinton finally said so herself. “I do,” she tells New York magazine when asked if she is wrestling with the decision, “but I'm both pragmatic and realistic.”

For the first time in years, she is not running or serving in office, so she says she spends more time at home, watching stupid movies, taking long walks with her husband. “You know, just ordinary everyday pleasures.” For the Clintons, pleasure includes politics — all three Center Stage again this week.


Back in January, when she sat down with **, she was coy. “I have no plans or intentions and I am going to, you know, get back into my life again, see how it feels.

It feels right, several friends tell ABC news, but she is leaving her options open. The big question now about Hilary is, what's next? The timing is all hers. I'm not in any hurry, she says.

Now if Hilary Clinton does decide to run, she starts with major advantages over all democrats, including vice president Biden. But one long-time adviser told me today that she is taking nothing for granted and learned several lessons from that 2008 campaign.