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South Korea has repeated its condemnation of Japanese politicians for visiting a controversial war shrine.

Seoul calls the visits a major stumbling block to peace and cooperation in the region.

South Korea Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho Tai-young is urging Tokyo's political leaders to show "a correct understanding of history through sincerity in actions."

"For a high level political leader to pay respects toward a shrine dedicated to war criminals who committed evil, and to romanticize past invasive wars, we have no choice but to doubt that person's understanding of history."

China is also urging the Japanese side to seriously reflect on history and correct its past mistakes.

Yoshitaka Shindo made a visit to the shrine on Wednesday, just days after the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid his respects at the shrine.

The visits sparked outrage from both China and Korea.

Even the US, a key Japanese ally, has expressed "disappointed" over the visit.