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Heavy rain has been lashing coastal areas of east China's Zhejiang Province as tropical storm Fung-Wong is approaching.

Nearly 160 thousand people have been forced to evacuate their homes in coastal cities including Ningbo, Wenzhou and Taizhou, and more than 30 thousand boats have had to return to harbor.

Forecasters say the typhoon is expected to pound the province with torrential downpours and powerful winds, starting by this afternoon.

The government of Wenzhou City has demanded kindergartens, primary and middle schools suspend classes today.


Tang Weigui is an official of Ningbo City.

"We have required all boats to make preparations in accordance with the plan against the typhoon. For example, all the fishermen are required to return to the boats and we have dispatched personnel to be on duty and debug all the emergency-response devices."

Fung-Wong made a landfall in Taiwan Sunday morning, forcing the cancellation of dozens of flights and ferry services.

It has killed at least ten people in the northern parts of the Philippines, including Metro Manila.