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But first, straight to the UN headquarters in New York where a meeting of the Security Council has been discussing the escalating crisis in Ukraine. Ukraine's interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk insisting that Russia's intervention in Crimea was unacceptable.

My country has faced a military aggression of a neighbouring country which is the P5 member. This aggression has no reasons and no grounds. This is absolutely and entirely unacceptable in the 21st century to resolve any kind of conflict with tanks, artillery and boots on the ground.


He also spoke directly to the Russian Federation in Russian saying there was still time to resolve the crisis peacefully and he got an immediate answer from Russia's ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin.

I'm going to respond directly to a direct question to me by Mr Yatsenyuk. Russia does not want war and nor do the Russians, and I'm convinced that Ukrainians don't want this either. Furthermore, and this is something which I want to especially underscore, we do not see any premises to view and interpret the situation in such terms. We don't want any further exacerbation of the situation. It is not Russia which unfolded this spiral of violence which recently of these last few months has determined the development of Ukraine.