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More precautionary measures are being put in place in Guangzhou to stop the potential spread of the Ebola virus as China's largest trade exhibition, Canton Fair, continues in the city.

Cheng Kaiyu is the Chief of Guangdong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

"We have installed the infrared thermometers in each entry point for body temperature checks. If anyone is recognized over 37 degrees, he will be led to the quarantine area for more checks."

A specialist group has also been set up for the prevention of Ebola.

Zhang Yonghui, head of the Guangdong Specialist Panel for Ebola Prevention, says they've launched special training programs for all local medical staff.


"Sometimes people are afraid to go to the big hospitals, they'd rather choose small clinics in the communities. We need to do some training for the health workers and make sure they are able to recognize report and transfer those suspected cases."

Guangdong Province's two major cities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, are home to a relatively large population of Africans. The annual fair typically brings a rise in travel from Africa.

Seven out of ten African travellers arriving in China do so via Guangdong, and there have been over 190 direct flights from Africa to Guangzhou each month, which makes it a priority for Ebola prevention.

China has yet to report a confirmed case of Ebola. But Guangdong is being watched closely, given its close contacts with the continent.

Health officials earlier last week announced monitoring of some 43 suspected cases of infection. All have tested negative.