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In a new video advertisement, Microsoft is targeting Siri, Apple's digital assistant, and hinting that Siri is not as useful as Microsoft's Cortana.

The ad features a "conversation" in which Cortana questions Siri's abilities in Apple's new iPhones.


Cortana: Hi Siri, looks like you're in a new phone. Congratulations.

Siri: Yes, I got bigger.

Cortana: Oh, are you more like me now? Can you give reminders based on who calls or texts?

Siri: No, I got bigger.

Cortana: How about traffic alerts? Can you tell people to leave early based on traffic reports?

Siri: No, seriously, I just got bigger.

Cortana: That's okay. Happens to everyone this time of year.

Microsoft first introduced Cortana in April. Featuring the voice of actress Jen Taylor, the digital assistant is available on Windows Phone 8.1.

Named after the artificial intelligence character in Microsoft's Halo video game series, Cortana is developed with Microsoft's machine-learning technologies and aims to emulate real personal assistants.