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China's Supreme Court has officially codified a new initiative which allows non-governmental organizations to file suit against those who violate environmental protection laws.

The new rules, which take effect immediately, allow environmentally-based NGOs to file suits across China, regardless of where the NGO itself is located.

Zheng Xuelin heads the environmental tribunal at the Supreme People's Court which has approved the new legal rules.


"New types of social organizations are emerging as part of China's broader social, economic and cultural development. As such, we've determined these new social organizations, such as NGOs, should have the right to initiate environmental lawsuits."

The legal interpretation issued by China's top court also suggests the legal fees for NGOs should be lowered if they're fighting for environmental protection.

The Supreme People's Court has also determined the defendants will be forced to pay all the legal bills if they're found guilty of polluting.

There are over 700 environmental-based NGOs based in China.