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Negotiations among Iran and the P5+1 in Lausanne, Switzerland are heading into the final push ahead of Tuesday's deadline.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says progress has been made.

He's been calling on everyone at the meeting to remain flexible in working toward an agreement.

At the same time, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says Iran needs to make some tough decisions.


"We're here because we believe a deal can be done. It's in everybody's interests that a deal does get done. But it has to be a deal which puts the bomb beyond Iran's reach. There can't be any compromise about that. So if we're going to get this done here over the next few hours, Iran has got to take a deep breath and make some tough decisions to ensure that those red lines can be met."

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is on-record saying an agreement could be close.

A framework deal is supposed to be finished by Tuesday.

A final deal is supposed to be hammered out by June.

The final agreement is meant to curb Iran's nuclear program in-exchange for a lifting of economic sanctions.