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A Dangerous Delusion: Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran - that's a book co-written by the political commentator of the Daily Telegraph Peter Oborne, and David Morrison. The book says it's an attempt to avert global catastrophe by showing that the grounds for a war against Iran led by Israel and its allies do not exist - this in the wake of recent comments like these from western leaders.

"I have said repeatedly and I will say today. We are not taking any options off the table because it's my firm belief that an Iran with a nuclear weapon would pose a security threat not only to the region, but also to the United States."

"I think it's right that all countries across the world step up the pressure on Iran to take a different path. It can take a different path and stop destabilising the region, stop the march towards a nuclear weapon."


"Iran's dangerous nuclear weapons programme and its continued support of terrorist organisations like Hezbollah and Hamas not only endanger Israel, but endanger the world."

"Our objective remains a diplomatic solution that gives the world confidence that Iran's nuclear programme is for purely peaceful purposes."

"Diplomacy and sanctions so far have not stopped Iran's nuclear programme. Diplomacy and sanctions must be augmented by clear and credible thread of military action."