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Speaking at the opening session of the annual high-level talks between China and the United States, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong says 40 senior officials are in the US to conduct a candid dialogue with their American counterparts.

They are expected to discuss a wide range of issues, such as climate change and cyber security.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stressed that any decision the United States and China make will have a huge impact that goes beyond the two countries.

"There is never a routine moment in US-China relations. Every meeting matters. Everyday matters. And every decision matters because of the consequences that it may have for future choices."

Chinese vice premier Wang Yang noted that bilateral dialogues have expanded to cover a wider range of issues.


"In addition, there are some outcomes that may seem insignificant right now. But the seeds of cooperation, once nurtured, can flourish into a pasture that benefits both countries."

U.S. vice president Joe Biden stressed the U.S. stance of welcoming China's peaceful rise, saying the country needs a bigger role in world affairs.

"The United States believes strongly that whenever possible China needs to be at the table as these new rules are written."

Vice President Biden says responsible competition and adhering to the rules are the essential ingredients necessary to manage areas of disagreement, and to build a long term sustainable US-China relationship.

Chinese vice premier Liu Yandong conveyed a message from Chinese President Xi Jinping.

President Xi says building a new type of major country relationship with the United States is a priority of China's foreign policy, and there is much room for cooperation between the two great nations. He encourages participants at the dialogues to continue to promote mutual trust and cooperation to benefit the people of both countries as well as the world.

Liu says China hopes to bring new dimensions to bilateral ties.

"To bring more warmth to our bilateral relations, as well as more resilience, we need to deepen and expand our cooperation in more areas."

This year's talks are also expected to pave the way for President Xi's state visit to the United States in September.

Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.