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Speaking at a joint press conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expresses his concern about the current wave of violence in the region.

"I have been dismayed - as we all should be - by young people taking up weapons and seeking to kill. Violence is not the way. Violence will not bring a just and lasting peace, but will only push back the day when Palestinians will achieve statehood and both sides will live in peace and security."

Tensions have been mounting for weeks in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Since the beginning of October, fierce clashes have brought the Israeli death toll to 10, while Israeli forces have shot dead some 50 Palestinians.

Violence continued on Wednesday with several stabbing and car-ramming attacks and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces. In addition, a rocket from Gaza hit southern Israel.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of committing violations by the occupation of the holy Muslim and Christian places in East Jerusalem, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque, warning that Israel's measures would pave the way for the eruption of a "bitter religious conflict".

He says the recent wave of attacks is because of Israeli occupation and its consequences.

"Desperation and frustration due to the continuation of occupation, lack of a political horizon and absence of future prospects for the Palestinian youth, add to that the economic bottle neck and the daily suffering, all these are the causes of the actions that you witness."

Abbas also asked for a "system of international protection" for the Palestinian people.

"We have no other choice. We hope you help us to obtain international protection in order to protect our people from the practices of the occupation and settler violence and terrorism, including collective punishment measures, such as house demolitions and the displacement of Palestinian families."

Ban, saying the most urgent challenge is to stop the current violence and avoid further loss of life, urges Palestinians and Israelis to show courage and find their way back to a meaningful peace process.

"Ultimately, it is for the Palestinians and Israelis to choose peace. The only way to end the violence is through real and visible progress toward a political solution, including an end of the occupation and establishment of a Palestinian state living in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbors."

For CRI, I'm XYee.